FIPwise initiatives

FIPWiSE Rising Stars 

To celebrate the 2nd anniversary of FIPWiSE, on International Day of Women and Girls in Science, FIP launched a new initiative: the FIPWiSE Rising Stars list. 

A list of “FIPWiSE Rising Stars” will recognise exceptional women in pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy education, selected by a FIPWiSE panel, based on achievements, innovations, and significant impacts made. The list aims to foster equity, equality, diversity and inclusion among individuals, organisations and policy makers. 

You can watch the video to find more about FIPWiSE Rising Stars initiative.

2022 FIPWiSE Rising Stars 

You may get to know 2022 FIPWiSE rising stars and tune in to the video chats from here. 

The FIPWiSE Rising Stars list aims to encourage and inspire women in pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy education, sitting alongside existing mentorship programmes. Please see below the suggestion criteria: 

    1.  A pharmacist, pharmaceutical scientist or pharmaceutical educator;
    2. Who identifies as female;
    3. Who has had no more than 15 years in their current career from their latest degree* (This criterion is subject to an opportunity for taking career breaks or working part-time into account);  
    4. And who can demonstrate achievements, innovation and/or impact in pharmaceutical sciences and/or pharmacy education (including pharmaceutical practice research) and being a pathfinder in the profession, despite challenges in her career path. 

*Post BPharm/MPharm/PharmD, if the applicant’s current career is in pharmacy and is therefore as a result of these degrees; OR post BSc/MSc/PhD, if the applicant’s current career is in pharmaceutical sciences or in academia, research or industry, where the degree is required to be able to hold their position. 

FIP Young Pharmacists’ Group (YPG) Mentorship Programme 

FIPWiSE is collaborating with FIP YPG on a mentorship programme to support young women professionals by recognising the gender-specific challenges they face in areas of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy education. 

FIPWiSE provided mentors from the FIPWiSE community who are linked up with mentees. The mentors are linked with their mentees for a period of nine months, with the intention of setting goals, providing general advice, tips and strategies to navigate gender-specific challenges, and helping both young female and male pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists to keep on track of their career development.

FIPWiSE & Fearless podcast series 

Hosted by FIPWiSE chair Claire Thompson, the “FIPWiSE & Fearless” podcasts features interviews with women in pharmaceutical science and education. Listeners will learn how speakers have carved their career paths, and the challenges they have faced along the way. We will also hear about when they have been fearless, and what happened as a result. 

    • Episode 1: Vibhuti Arya, FIP Workforce Development Hub lead for FIP Development Goal 10 – Equity & Equality (USA). 
    • Episode 2:Sini Eskola, Director, Regulatory, Drug Development and Manufacturing EFPIA (Belgium) 
    • Episode 3: Reenu Yadav, Vice president, Human rights & social justice committee, Professor, Dean & Scientist (India) 
    • Episode 4. Christina Chai, Head of Department, National University of Singapore (Singapore) 

FIPWiSE Words video series 

We released the FIPWiSE Words video series alongside the launch of FIPWiSE on February 11 2020, which allows women and their male allies in science and education to share their stories. 

Watch the “FIPWiSE Words” launch video and learn about FIPWiSE’s vision, mission and priority advocacy areas here. 

Watch the “FIPWiSE Words” first anniversary video and learn about FIPWiSE’s exciting plans for 2021 and beyond here. 

Watch the other episodes of “FIPWiSE Words” by clicking below: